A bloody wolf is a type of monster that can be encountered in the Forest of Gaia. It is a more-powerful variant of the red wolf.
At the end of Chapter 9, during the expedition held by the Shireen branch of the Knights of Guadia at the Forest of Gaia, the knights spot a red flare being fired at a distance far away. Takumi Kayano grabs Alan and Elena then casts Accelerate to propel themselves towards the spot where the red flare was fired from, which they reach early in Chapter 10. There he sees a group of injured knights trying to fight a pack of bloody wolves. He casts Air Shot at one of them while he orders the twins to take on another of them; but because of the nearby knights, he is unable to completely defeat it with the Air Shot alone without causing collateral "friendly fire". Then he remembers an item gifted to him by the God of Water Wyndell, which he retrieves from his Inventory: a Water Katana, with which he manages to defeat the ones closer to the injured knights. After the knights move away to safety, Takumi is then able to effectively use Air Shot to defeat the other wolves, until he notices Alan and Elena are "playing" with one of the remaining bloody wolves. Then it comes to his mind that their pelt is a high-priced material used for coats worn by nobility (especially the ladies), and realizes that killing the wolves with Air Shots or the katana without any restraints could damage their pelts.